
Born in Madrid, Spain, Esther Rosa is a Spanish American multimedia artist whose exquisite expressions in paper clay, painting and sculpture communicate the potent power of transformation. Through composition and color, she illuminates both archetypal beauty and the radiance of imperfection. Rosa’s work is deeply linked to her background as a trained psychologist and life coach; for seventeen years she worked in organizational human resources

"The realm of creativity is rarely predetermined. It requires time, care and refinement; the gift is endless possibilities. My personal path of reinvention is the most compelling evidence for my firm belief in the transformative power of art and the creative process. I allowed myself the chance to become still, reflect and create, a process through which I discovered an invitation to know myself and to develop a new personal and professional identity--from corporate human resources executive living and working in Spain to an artist and life coach living in New York City. With the knowledge of my own process, my hope is to inspire the reinvention of others. My work is an inquiry into what we are, what we don't know about ourselves and what we can become. Using the powers of perception and the wisdom of how the mind works, we can cultivate meaningful and fulfilling lives. My inspiration is derived from psychology, neuroscience, philosophy and the belief that life offers us perpetual opportunities to learn and grow, no matter the circumstance. We are all unique: spotless and flawed, perfect, unfinished and in flux. My compositions, which utilize organic and simple materials, illustrate that the mind and body are centrally interconnected, alive together on the journey of self-discovery as we learn and grow both cognitively and emotionally."

"My work urges us to embrace both the light and shadows of our lives, emotionally, physically and mentally, all fundamental parts of the whole. I use layer upon layer of paper clay and blankets of pigments to show that we are multidimensional. I enhance the blemishes, flaws and rough edges which may feel broken but offer the greatest gateway to evolution and growth. Natural wood remains untreated to embrace vulnerability, metallic pigments remind us that we shine from within and oxidized colors speak to the impermanence of life itself. Each material articulates that life is flowing with constant metamorphosis, an opportunity for us all to embrace. I invite viewers to engage in an intimate and inner conversation, to slow down, reflect, question, accept and ultimately let go. The process encourages vulnerability and receptiveness as you pass through imbalance, adversity, and the unexpected, all of which is welcomed. Stepping outside of personal or societal expectations for perfection, we instead dive into the process of questioning, adjusting, changing and transforming. In this way we can shift our perspective, satisfying the hunger to evolve and ultimately reveal our true selves."

Esther Rosa's artworks have been exhibited at several solo shows as well as group shows in New York, Miami, Paris and Madrid. She was selected as a featured artist for the Creative Mischief Show at the National Academy Museum in New York. Rosa also holds a diploma in Fine Arts from the National Academy School of Fine Arts and Museum in New York (2012) and a Life Coach Certification in Energy Leadership from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, iPEC (2018). She lives and works in New York City.


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